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Home > Commercial Fitness Equipment > MONAMI®Half Rack(Standard)

MONAMI®Half Rack(Standard)

Shanghai Weikang Sports Goods Co.

ChinaShanghaiShanghai CityYangpu District

Company profile


占地尺寸:1440* 1810 * 2353Hmm

立柱:75 * 75cm方管


底座:50 * 75cm方管 管壁厚3mm

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Company profile

Shanghai Weikang Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. is a total solution company integrating the introduction and development of imported fitness equipment and fitness training courses, as well as technical operation-related consulting, with two trademark brands "Weide Fitness" and "Weide Classroom" for marketing.

Basic Information

  • Country: China
  • Company address: ChinaShanghaiShanghai CityYangpu District
  • Website: