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Mobifitness Smart Treadmill


ChinaShanghaiShanghai CityHuangpu District

Company profile

Mobifitness Smart Treadmill, the industry's first voice-controlled automatic 90 degree full-folding treadmill,  geometric aesthetic fabric backboard, it includes voice, APP and knob three control methods, customized  LED display, flexible shock absorption, The built-in human body pyroelectric infrared sensor detects  organisms or human bodies, it will stop in time. Professional coaches live broadcast exercises,  making sports so much fun.

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Company profile

We adhere to integrate the fine craft and artistic design into the product, pursue using modern technology and intelligent means to improve people’s exercise life. Establish a new set of intelligent exercise mode both online and offline, and redefine the exercise agitation. We have always been adhering to the professional attitude, focusing on improving users' interactive experience and user experience, and committed to bringing products with a sense of art and quality to users.

Basic Information

  • Country: China
  • Company address: ChinaShanghaiShanghai CityHuangpu District
  • Website: